The Best Diet 2015 Version Of The US News

The Best Diet 2015 Version Of The US News. There are different types of diets can be an option at this time to help you loss weight. Perhaps because so many, sometimes even make confused to choose which one. It's not easy, because if you do not dietary choices consistent with the objectives to be achieved, your efforts doomed to fail. In addition, do not let your chosen diet actually tortured or not easy to implement.

More recently, US News rank the best diet for 2015. The ranking is made by involving editors and their reporters for months to analyze as many as 35 types of diets that exist. Not only by activists claim their diet, but deeper down to the medical journals, government reports, and other relevant sources.
Ranked divided diet, the best heart-healthy diet, a healthy diet best, easiest diet to follow, and the best plant-based diet.

The best diet overall

This category is selected in the diet should be relatively easy to follow, nutritious, safe, effective way to lose weight and can protect against heart disease and diabetes

Ranked first category was occupied by the DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). The DASH diet was initially developed to combat high blood pressure or hypertension. However, this diet gets top marks from experts for nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and its role in maintaining heart health.

Ranked the top 5 for best overall diet successively occupied by:
  1. DASH Diet
  2. TLC Diet
  3. Mayo Diet
  4. Mediterranean Diet
  5. Weight Watchers
The Best Diet 2015 Version Of The US News



The best weight loss diet

According to experts of US News, the best diet in terms of losing weight is Weight Watchers. Another diet was actually able to lose weight may even be faster, but the weight loss in the long term is more important to your health.

Ranked the top 5 for a diet to lose weight is occupied by:
  1. Weight Watchers
  2. HMR Diet
  3. Biggest Loser Diet
  4. Jenny Craig
  5. Raw Food Diet

Best diabetes diet

Diet is one tool for managing diabetes. People with overweight or obese can reduce their risk of diabetes by losing weight and diets allow it to happen. The top ranking for a diabetic diet is occupied by the Bigger Loser Diet, and the DASH Diet with 3.6 points each out of 5 stars.

Ranked the top 5 for the best diabetes diet is occupied by:
  1. Bigger Loser Diet/DASH Diet
  2. Engine Two Diet
  3. Flexitarian Diet
  4. Mayo Diet
  5. Ornish Diet

 Best heart healthy diet

Being overweight is one of the factors that cause the risk of heart disease and stroke is increased. Heart healthy diet is a diet that can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or high levels of triglycerides. According to US News, Ornish Diet is the best for this category.
Ornish diet based on the book titled "The Spectrum" written by Dean Ornish in 2007, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. In this book describes about nutrition, exercise, stress management, and emotional support as a guide to achieve any goal, from weight loss to the prevention or treatment of chronic diseases.

Ranked the top 5 for best heart-healthy diet is occupied by:
  1. Ornish Diet
  2. TLC Diet
  3. DASH Diet
  4. Mediterranean Diet
  5. Engine Two Diet

Best commercial diet

For commercial nature diet, US News puts Weight Watchers in the first place.

Ranked the top 5 for the commercial category are:
  1. Weight Watchers
  2. Jenny Craig
  3. Biggest Loser Diet
  4. Slim-Fast
  5. Spark Solution Diet
well, so the best diet US News 2015 version. Hopefully can help you in choosing the type of diet that is appropriate for your run. Congratulations diet, hopefully your target weight loss is achieved.

See also information about 5 Tips To Weight Not Rise Again After Diet

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